Ocena: 5.0/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Anal fissure is different anodermis ulceration fissure (i.e. a thin skin surrounding the anal), reaching from the anus edge to so-called pectineal line (lines arranged alternately inside the anus of papillae and sinuses). It is the second (after hemorrhoids) in terms of incidence of the end of gastrointestinal tract disease.


  • anodermis ulceration
  • failure of conservative treatment

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • lack of the patient’s consent for the treatment
  • general poor condition of the patient
  • allergy to anaesthetic drugs

Przebieg zabiegu

The operation is performed under general anaesthesia. The fissure with enlarged papillae inside the anus and excessive skin fold on the outside is cut out. It may happen that the patient has high tension of the internal sphincter of anus, in which case the surgeon cuts the muscle so that the wound can heal faster. The inner wounds are sutured and a few millimeter stitched area is left outside the anus.

Wycięcie szczeliny odbytu


2500 PLN

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • improving living comfort of the patient
  • removal of ailments associated with anus wounds

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • application of high-fiber diet
  • consumption of large amounts of liquids (2-3 liters per day)
  • avoiding coffee, alcohol, spices and swelling meals
  • particular hygiene of the anus area
  • sitting position
  • use of sterile dressings – according to doctor’s recommendations
  • reduce physical effort