Ocena: 4.9/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Chalazion is a chronic inflammation of the Meiboma gland. It is formed when the sebaceous glands on the inside of eyelid are plugged and the gland builds up a secretion in which the infection may develop. The lesion usually increases gradually.

The procedure can be performed in the outpatient centers of ETER-MED Health Centre, after obtaining a positive medical classification even on the day of visit.


  • thickening of the eyelid edge (chalazion)
  • resistance to applied pharmacological treatment

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • lack of cooperation with the doctor

Przebieg zabiegu

The treatment is performed under local anaesthesia. After the eyelid is unrolled, the infected area is cut and accumulated liquid content is removed (curettage of chalazion and its sac). After the procedure, drops or ointments with antibiotics should usually be applied for the time specified by the doctor.

usunięcie gradówki

Service temporary unavailable.

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • lesion removal (chalazia)

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • complying with medical recommendations
  • regular taking prescribed medicines
  • wearing and changing dressing according to recommendations
  • eye healing control during visits (according to physician’s recommendations)