Informacje o zabiegu
Diagnosis of cystis pilonidalis by a physician qualifies the patient for surgery. Numerous methods of surgical treatment of this lesion have been developed so far: incision and draining of sinus, removal of sinus with marsupalization (sealing wound edges with fibrous tissue after the previous curettage of dead tissues) and extensive cut-out of the sinus with reconstruction. The choice of method is made by an experienced surgeon, who deals with the patient’s individually. Before the procedure, the patient is contacted with the anaesthesiologist, who chooses the most appropriate type of anaesthesia taking into account the surgical method and patient’s condition. The anaesthesia may be both local and general, depending on the extent of procedure. Radical, operational treatment significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.
- occurrence of inflammatory conditions
- abscesses within the buttock cavity requiring temporary surgical intervention – abscess incisions, changes in dressings
Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu
- lack of the patient’s consent
- general poor condition of the patient
- allergy to anaesthetic drugs
Przebieg zabiegu
Numerous methods of surgical treatment of this lesion have been developed so far: incision and draining of sinus, removal of sinus with marsupalization (sealing wound edges with fibrous tissue after the previous curettage of dead tissues) and extensive cut-out of the sinus with reconstruction. The choice of method is made by an experienced surgeon, who deals with the patient’s individually. Before the procedure, the patient is contacted with the anaesthesiologist, who chooses the most appropriate type of anaesthesia taking into account the surgical method and patient’s condition. The anaesthesia may be both local and general, depending on the extent of procedure. Radical, operational treatment significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.
4000 PLN
Korzyści z zabiegu
- resolution of ailments connected with the hair cyst (pains, redness)
Zalecenia po zabiegu
- rest, restriction of physical activity
- bath in the bathtub is contraindicated, until the wound is healed
- later a greater care is recommended for hygiene, wearing loose underwear, and depilation of excessive hair in order to prevent microinjuries and recurrence of cystis pilonidalis