Ocena: 4.9/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Arthroscopy is nowadays an increasingly frequent choice of physicians as to the treatment or diagnostic method. It consists in several, usually two, small incisions on the knee skin. The incisions are minimal – about 0.5 cm. High quality instrument consisting of among others camera is inserted. The inside of knee joint is shown on monitors. The surgeon can accurately assess the condition of joint and make the right decisions about further diagnosis or treatment. Through cuts it is possible to insert suitable operating tools and perform certain operations (e.g. suturing of menisci, microfracture). Thanks to this method, the time of surgery has been significantly shortened, and the number of post-operative complications has been reduced to a minimum. The patients are satisfied with quick return home and excellent cosmetic effect. Arthroscopic treatments maximize recovery time. Indications for arthroscopic procedures include injuries of menisci and joint cartilage, ligament lesions, chronic joint exudates, early degenerative joint lesions. The choice of anaesthesia depends on the specialist – anaesthesiologist who takes into accounts the patient’s general condition, type and extent of surgery.


  • injured menisci and joint cartilage
  • plica syndrome
  • ligament lesions
  • chronic joint exudates
  • early degenerative joint lesions
  • removal of Baker’s cyst
  • removal of foreign or free matter from the articular cavity
  • intra-articular fracture
  • instability of joint
  • chronic inflammation

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • diseases related to coagulation disorders causing excessive bleeding, e.g. haemophilia
  • immunosuppression through immunosuppressive drugs or HIV infection
  • taking blood thinners
  • advanced diabetes
  • infections
  • increased body temperature

Przebieg zabiegu

It consists in several, usually two, small incisions on the knee skin. The incisions are minimal – about 0.5 cm. High quality instrument consisting of among others camera is inserted. The inside of knee joint is shown on monitors. The surgeon can accurately assess the condition of joint and make the right decisions about further diagnosis or treatment. Through cuts it is possible to insert suitable operating tools and perform certain operations (e.g. suturing of menisci, microfracture). Thanks to this method, the time of surgery has been significantly shortened, and the number of post-operative complications has been reduced to a minimum.

Zabiegi artroskopowe (ATS) stawu kolanowego


5000 PLN

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • partly or fully restored mobility of the knee joint
  • prevent further degeneration of the joint
  • reduce the pain associated with disease

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • patient should relieve the knee and rest
  • in the first weeks after treatment, it is recommended to use orthopaedic crutches
  • for full recovery it is necessary to undertake rehabilitation