Ocena: 4.8/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Tonsillotomy is a surgical procedure involving reduction in the mass of palatal tonsils. It is recommended in persons with only hypertrophy of tonsils. Recurrent infections or abscesses are contraindications to the procedure. This method involves less risk of infection and abscess formation than the operational removal of whole tonsils. An additional advantage is to leave a part of the lymphatic tissue, which in case of later infection of the upper respiratory tract can take up its immune functions (resistance). The operation can be performed with different techniques. Most often, it is the laser tonsils incision. Other methods are radiophthalic diathermy or coblation. During the treatment, the tonsils mass is reduced by 30-60 %. After procedure, the patient is subject to professional observation. For a few days after surgery, the patient has to follow a special diet – the best liquid, avoiding sour, spicy, very hot food. In case of pain, the patient should have appropriate painkillers after consultation with a doctor. Full recovery usually takes place in 7-10 days after the procedure.


  • hypertrophy of tonsils
  • swallowing disturbances
  • speech disorders caused by large tonsils

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • lack of the patient’s consent
  • tonsils abscess
  • taking blood thinners
  • severe hemorrhagic diathesis
  • bad general health status of patients
  • active respiratory tract infection
  • diseases preventing the use of anesthesia
  • allergy to anaesthetic drugs

Przebieg zabiegu

Tonsillotomy is a surgical procedure involving reduction in the mass of palatal tonsils. The operation can be performed with different techniques. Most often, it is the laser tonsils incision. Other methods are radiophthalic diathermy or coblation. During the treatment, the tonsils mass is reduced by 30-60 %. After procedure, the patient is subject to professional observation.

Tonsillotomia (podcięcie migdałków podniebiennych)


3800 PLN

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • easy breath
  • free swallowing foods

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • rest
  • reduce physical effort
  • taking painkillers in case of ailments
  • on the first days after the treatment only semi-fluid, pulpy diet
  • on the first days after the treatment avoid hot, spicy, sour meals
  • avoid staying in very low or hot temperatures (e.g. sauna)

Lekarze wykonujący zabieg