Ocena: 4.9/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Injection is a kind of tranquil treatment (water solution or suspension). Some drugs are administered in this way so that their penetration into the retina and vasculars of the eye is more effective.

The procedure is performed in the outpatient centers of ETER-MED Health Centre, after obtaining a positive medical classification even on the day of visit regarding treatment of e.g. cornea, irises inflammation.

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • lack of cooperation with the doctor
  • inflammatory condition within eyeball or its area
  • allergy to drug composition

Przebieg zabiegu

The treatment is performed under local anesthesia (drip).

Iniekcja podspojówkowa lub okołogałkowa

Service temporary unavailable.

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • complying with medical recommendations
  • regular taking prescribed medicines
  • eye healing control during visits (according to physician’s recommendations)