Ocena: 4.9/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

Adenotonsillectomy is a treatment of adenoid hypertrophy removal with simultaneous tonsils incision. It is performed after the hypertrophy of tonsils is confirmed by a specialist in laryngology. The hypertrophy of tonsils is often accompanied by chronic otitis media with effusion. The cause is the pressure on ear trumpet – natural canal that ensures pressure balance between the throat and middle ear. This leads to excessive fluid accumulation in the tympanic cavity and consequently leads to hearing loss. This is a very uncomfortable situation for the patient. The preferred treatment in this case is a combination of adenotonsillectomy and tympanostomy. It is usually performed under general anaesthesia. This is symptomatic but also causal treatment. When the tympanic membrane is drained, the patient’s hearing improves almost immediately. The general condition is also improved significantly. During surgery, the cause of otitis media with effusion – hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil – is removed. The Eustachian tube is unblocked by cutting out the overgrown lymphatic tissue. This has a positive effect on further treatment of the middle ear. After the procedure, patients are subjected to specialist observations for several hours. Sometimes they require longer hospitalization.


  • chronic otitis media with effusion
  • otitis media during which pathological secretions accumulates, caused by enlarged palatine tonsils and throat

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • lack of the patient’s consent
  • taking blood thinners
  • severe hemorrhagic diathesis
  • advanced, uncontrolled diabetes
  • bad general health status of patients
  • active respiratory tract infection
  • diseases preventing the use of anesthesia
  • allergy to anaesthetic drugs
Adenotonsillotomia z tympanostomią


5300 PLN

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • facilitating swallowing foods
  • cessation of snoring
  • normal development of the bony face
  • resolution of symptoms related to recurrent ear inflammation
  • improved concentration and focus
  • hearing improvement
  • improvement in general condition of the patient

Zalecenia po zabiegu

  • rest
  • reduce physical effort
  • taking painkillers recommended by a doctor
  • avoidance of staying in places with very high environmental temperature (e.g. sauna)
  • eating light, liquid or semi-fluid diet on the first days after the treatment
  • resignation from hot, spicy, sour meals on the first days after the treatment
  • bath is not contraindicated, but immersion of the head should be limited (e.g. in a swimming pool, bath)
  • in case of any worrying symptoms, seek medical advice as soon as possible
  • these symptoms may include: secretion from the ear, blood, persistent pain, increased body temperature

Lekarze wykonujący zabieg