Ocena: 5.0/5.0

Informacje o zabiegu

The plastic surgery of abdomen consists in removing an excessive amount of skin and fat from abdomen or endothelium, as well as abdominal muscles. The skin is stretched and the muscles of abdominal wall are formed.

In the case of plastic surgery procedures performed for other reasons than those aimed at preserving, saving, regaining and improving the patient’s health, 23% VAT should be added to the prices.


  • excess body fat accumulated within the peripheral skin of abdomen
  • clear overweight and obesity
  • many pregnancies after which the skin is flabby

Przeciwwskazania do zabiegu

  • planning pregnancy in the future
  • coagulation disorders
  • diabetes
  • hyperthyroidism
abdominoplastyka wycinanie nadmiaru fałdów skórnych i tkanki tłuszczowej szpital gdańsk 1dayclinic trójmiasto gdynia sopot


From 18000 PLN

Korzyści z zabiegu

  • improvement in the appearance of silhouette
  • increased self-assessment
  • sense of well-being
  • reduction of the fatty tissue

Lekarze wykonujący zabieg